搜索 Jessica

  • 拳打脚踢:邵氏功夫HD
    From Hong Kong to Hollywood, the Shaw Brothers to The Matrix, martial arts in cinema has been busting box offices and breaking barriers since the 1960s. This is the wild untold story of how...
  • 齐与祖HD
  • Mistakenly believing that his role is to serve justice (“No Will, a Barrister’s job is to win”), Will must navigate his way through a criminal justice system seemingly designed to be as opaque and confusing as possible. While also dealing…
  • 赌命游戏HD
  • 第三只眼睛HD
    由于父母意外身亡,艾丽娅(杰西卡·米拉 Jessica Mila 饰)只得带着妹妹艾贝尔(Bianca Hello 饰)返回她们童年居住过的旧房子居住。虽然旧房子地处幽静所在,且风光秀美,宽敞明亮,但是艾贝尔却对这里有着深深的抵触情绪。童年时代,艾贝尔总是声称看到家人们看不到的人,而且某个夜晚发生的灵异事件也给这个女孩留下深深的阴影。与之相对,…
  • 迷惘之城HD
  • 她要嫁给史蒂夫HD
      A 20-something woman gets invited to her ex-girlfriend's wedding to a man and decides to go.
  • 碟仙再临HD
    A group of unsuspecting theatre goers are trapped, after a ravenous spirit is resurrected and released from a Ouija board. 
  • 别开两次门HD
    Four paranormal students get much more than they bargained for at a secluded beach volleyball complex. 
  • 地陷危机HD
    新奥尔良是美国圣诞节最狂欢的城市!一年一度的狂欢节使这个城市又疯狂起来了,但今年的狂欢节却更加的惊心动魄……   德沃公园突然发生恐怖的地陷灾难,一名工人不幸遇难!身为市长助理的艾丽森马上前往现场察看。白天的惊慌还未完全散去,傍晚又有一处地方发生地下沧陷,整个城市都陷入了恐慌当中!艾丽森只有请求男友——地质专家马特帮忙…