搜索 Andrew

  •   A city PR girl goes on the run accused of leaking information from the military supply company where she works. Chased by ex-soldiers she hides with her brother, a member of a shadowy hacker group, and has to choose between her luxury li…
  • Three showgirls on their way to Las Vegas have car trouble and are stuck all night out in the desert. The next morning cheerful Andre offers them help in fixing their car. However, Andre is really a maniac with a lot of family problems; his mother ran out on him when he was a child so now he keeps kidnapped women chain…
  • In this unique take on the infamous Manson murders we follow two generations of chilling real life events which occur at 10050 Cielo Drive, one of America's most notorious addresses.
  • A couple of Australians introduce three American backpackers to the local legend of Lemon Tree Passage where a ghost of a motorcyclist warns young drivers to slow down. After seeing the ghost first hand they uncover a malevolent force that posses the area and threatens to wreak havoc on the final days of their vacation…
  • 善意的科学家想试图开发一种新的绿色能源来解救弗兰肯斯坦的大海。这一切基于这片人们赖以生存的海域遭到了污染和破坏。起初一直生活在这附近的人们都喜欢这一片海,有很多美好回忆。近期海域出现了令人恐怖的“电波”,水中的电量足以让游水的人们致命,究竟是什么让海域变得如此恐怖?善意的科学家想试图开发一种新的绿色能源来解救弗兰肯斯坦…
  • 以变态、暴戾手法强暴虐杀无数女性的杀人狂柏德烈贝文,终于消失人间;可惜,他的消失并没有将恐怖杀机一同埋葬……丽楚纽曼(美娜古妮丝饰)是贝文多宗虐杀案中的唯一生还者,事隔多年,丽楚已是标致可爱的大学生,一切似乎归于平静安稳,丽楚亦定下新目标,立心要成为资深教授波比史德文(威廉撒拿饰)的助教,皆因在名师指导下的学生,毕业后…
  • After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the newly detained youth are offered an opportunity to have their charges dropped by volunteering to provide care to the elderly.  Once inside the eldercare facility, the volunteers discover the governor and the facility’s sup…
  • 二十年前被关闭的维玛维勒药厂因为从事非法药品研究被健康委员会勒令查封了.但是不法分子希安和二十年前在此工作的卡雷拉医生为了各自的目标研制一种释放人体潜在能力, 腐蚀身体的药物.他们选择目标偷偷进行人体试验, 带来了一系列离奇死亡.但是最终自食其果……
  • 农夫Ralph Gower耕田时发现一具带有皮毛的尸体,他认为这是传说中魔鬼的躯体,并把这事告诉了从伦敦来的大法官,大法官认为这只是无稽之谈。当天,Gower主人外甥的女友晚上受到惊吓中了邪,事情使村民们笼罩在恐惧之下,真的是传说中的魔鬼复活了吗?最可怕的是,女孩Angel Blake扮演起原始巫术的巫师,带领青年们走向一条歧路——对魔鬼顶礼膜…
  • 在一个肃杀的夜晚,满身伤痕的女孩西恩娜(艾丽森·兰格AllisonLange饰)跌跌撞撞冲入公路。她随即被送往医院,在探员赞恩(詹森·伦敦JasonLondon饰)的询问下,惊魂未定的西恩娜终于说出了那段恐怖经历。两周前,她和同在医科大学念书的好友斯科特(B.J.Britt饰)、杰森(尼克·霍尔莫斯NickHolmes饰)、本(C.J.Thomason饰)、夏…