搜索 Etzler

  • 逃离18岁HD
    40-year-old Amelia who is hit by a bus on her birthday. When she wakes up, she suddenly finds the year is 2002 and Amelia is 18 again - allowing her to right all the mistakes she made the first time round.But as she finds herself stuck in a "Groundhog Day" time loop - waking up every morning on her 18th birth…
  • Prince Adam and Melaktha investigate the Temple of the Cat, where He-Man retrieves a mysterious feline statue after enduring several magical obstacles. A spy for the Cat People reports the incident to King Paw, who sends his emissary, Kittrina, to the Royal Palace. After a bungled theft by Kittrina, both she and Teela …
  •   小老鼠维兹和白肚皮狐狸本是一对死敌,一场不幸的意外让他们在动物天堂相遇。没了自然本能的驱使,他们成为了最好的朋友,并相约回到尘世后还要和彼此相伴。只是没想到,重生之后,他俩互换了角色……
  • 本片是《宇宙的巨人希曼》的“兄妹篇”,也是该片大获成功后的趁热打铁之作,由美国飞美逊公司(Filmation Associates)于1985年推出。希瑞的造型源自1941年问世的漫画《神奇女侠》(Wonder Woman)。  每集中,少不了的开场白如下:“我叫阿多拉,霍曼的亲妹妹。我是水晶城堡的保护者。这,是顺马风,我的坐骑。有一天,我获得了奇迹般的秘密…
  • 同志音乐剧HD