搜索 Jameson

  • Classic British comedy adapted from a James Thurber story about a tweed manufacturer's elderly accountant who devises a plan to save the company from an American takeover bid. The arrival of an efficiency expert from the States causes enough of a stir but, when it turns out to be a woman, the old-fashioned number crunc…
  • WiFi过敏的少女HD
  • 先锋行动HD
     After exposing police corruption, a journalist is drawn into an underground world of violent vigilantism. 
  • 北约是目前世界上最强大的军事集团,拥有大量核武器和常规部队,是西方重要军事力量,鉴于全球猖獗的恐怖主义破坏活动,北约各成员国首脑计划推行遏制恐怖事件的发生,加强集体防务,并举行联合军事演习。同时,臭名昭著、凶狠、残暴的恐怖集团头目凡埃武装却劫走了北约的大批军火,准备手C4炸药研制研制出威力十足的炸弹,在北约会议上大开杀戒…