搜索 Malling

  • 臭名昭著的金融家、明星富豪马库斯锒铛入狱。在他因以前的某些不法交易惨遭一群摩托党毒打后,马库斯自愿提出与监狱最弱的囚犯一起接受单独监禁。在这个牢房里,有一个狱友合唱团,由囚犯尼尔斯自任合唱团指挥。新来的马库斯决定加入合唱团,而且没过多久,他就想成为众人的领导,并对尼尔斯指挥的职位打起了主意。这不是一场肉搏,而是智慧、权…
  • A seemingly trivial case of a small carpentry business that has gone bankrupt under mysterious circumstances gets Mads' attention. Claudia is released after one and a half years in prison but her son is in Paris and the only work she can find is at a coffee shop. But then she gets a visit from Energreen's old chairman,…