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  • 萨塔里亚神:加托尼卡HD
    Realizing that he's the lineal descendant of Gatotkaca from Pandawa family, Satrio must fight his way to unlock the power lies inside him and face Aswatama, the remaining Kurawa warrior who lives on to destroy the world by changing the history of Bharatayudha.
  • SatriaDewa:GatotkacaHD
    Realizing that he's the lineal descendant of Gatotkaca from Pandawa family, Satrio must fight his way to unlock the power lies inside him and face Aswatama, the remaining Kurawa warrior who lives on to destroy the world by changing the history of Bharatayudha.
  • 少女嘟嘟逃离了老爸的严管去参加cosplay聚会,还未上场就遭一个蒙面人大勇打劫,嘟嘟晕倒,大勇摆脱不了叫来朋友阿凯帮忙,两人将嘟嘟弄到阿凯的摄影工作室,不料,嘟嘟醒来后死缠活磨软硬兼施,一场绑架成了大勇和阿凯的灾难,两人好言好语将嘟嘟送走。沮丧之极的大勇和阿凯还没来缓过劲,大勇的债主弹头找上门,一番戏谑后,弹头将大勇绑架让…