搜索 Pamela

  • 周二俱乐部HD
    Marie Richardson leads the star ensemble in a heart-warming homage to all mothers, reminding us that it’s never too late for a fresh start in life.  All the old friends are invited to Karin (Richardson) and Sten’s (Bj?rn Kjellman) celebra…
  • 串珠HD
    Two young women retreat to a remote holiday home. While one of them undertakes a medical abortion, the other quietly cares for her. A snake slithers around them, unnoticed.
  •   After escaping abduction, a frantic woman must coerce an exhausted truck driver to hide in the back of her truck for the night. The two women take refuge not knowing what the rest of the night has in store.
  •   欧文·克莱恩自编自导,本·萨弗迪、约书亚·萨弗迪兄弟担任制片人,丹尼尔·祖尔格哈德利、马修·马希尔等主演,讲述了一个少年漫画家的成长故事。本片曾入围第75届戛纳电影节导演双周单元。
  • In this Tony Award-winning musical by Stephen Sondheim, several fairy tale characters learn the hard way that the 'Happily Ever After' they sought isn't necessarily so happy after all.
  • 蛋壳》是一部 1969 年美国独立 实验电影,由托比·胡珀 (Tobe Hooper)执导,这是他的导演处女作。胡珀与金·汉克尔共同创作了这部电影,同时也担任了电影的制片人之一。影片以一群年轻嬉皮士为中心,他们慢慢意识到地下室里有一个超凡脱俗的存在。简介:《蛋壳》是导演托比·霍珀于1969年执导的一部剧情片。影片讲述了一群住在德克萨斯州奥…
  •   On his first day as a fourth-grader, Sune is welcomed by an unwanted surprise. A new boy is in his seat, and he's everything Sune wants to be. Not only that, but his name is also Sune - it's the worst possible start to the fourth grade.
  • 约瑟夫(吉恩·凯利 Gene Kelly 饰)是一名海军士兵,一场意外中,他救了一个名为克莱斯(弗兰克·辛纳特拉 Frank Sinatra 饰)的男人。约瑟夫的英勇壮举让他得到了为期四天的休假,这也就意味着,约瑟夫终于可以前往好莱坞,去见一见在那里的阔别已久的女朋友了。  约瑟夫想要和女友享受一段甜蜜的二人时光,可克莱斯却死皮赖脸的跟在他的身…
  • 作为一名健身教练,丹尼尔(马克·沃尔伯格MarkWahlberg饰)有着诸多难言之隐,为了能够在竞争激烈的职场上保持优势,他不得不做着比别人强百倍的努力,其中包括吃药和注射,它们都价值不菲,因此,丹尼尔的生活始终都处于窘困之中。受够了囊中羞涩的日子,丹尼尔决定通过抢劫来改变自己的生活,他的目标是健身馆的常客维克多(托尼·夏尔赫布T…
  • 余娜除了管理一个附带妓院的流行夜总会外,她还为几个犯罪组织和情报局工作。在一次严刑拷打后,余娜变成了性冷感,她试图注射药物入下体来恢复性欲。她憎恨男人,对于落入她手里的政客, 间谍或其他人,她和她的女同性恋性奴隶都毫不留情地对待。